First NEVER BUY FOOD!!!! Second don't bring food or water or possessions. Third give the monkeys their space. Fourth stay on the path. Fifth if a monkey try's to take one of your possessions, skipped the second rule, or has it in it's mouth don't try to take it. If you follow these rules you will survive and make it through the monkey forest without any bight marks, blood, limb loss just kidding and you won't visit the hospital.

Now to the forest, remember the first rule to survival against the monkeys with the big teeth, well we were worms about it all but some people think it's fun. Well I went 100 feet before people where attacked. Science I survived the monkey forest it was very entertaining to see these people. I mean half of the reason I went in the morning was to see these people.

Monkeys are intelligent and can tell when you have bananas in your pocket and that's half the reason why they climb on you. There were also baby monkey babies hanging on to there mothers belly. There were also three monkeys playing a game where they jump from the same place to the other same place. They jumped into the pond which was neat.
Now from reading this you can be safe in the monkey forest.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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