I have a few blogs to post but other than that I'm going to have to skip a few days because we wake up eat breakfast and go on a dive. We get the time to get something from the shore that we need for the next dive. Return, rinse off look at pictures, and go to lunch. Than head out for the third dive. Return for a good shower, look at pictures, type the blogs, and go to dinner. Because of the time change we go strait to bed. We then wake up and start all over again.
Ive lost track of the days spent here on Wakatobi and don't ever want to leave. I've seen something new every day. I've had no breaks except for when I skip a dive. I use that time to catch up on the blogs. If I skip the first dive however it means I slept in longer. It's been the best time of my life and cant wait to share more.
Since I'm in a different ocean there's different sea life meaning I've seen different animals that ive never seen before. One of which was the manta shrimp. On some of the dives I took pictures. Here are 4 of the best. They where all shot on one dive on the top of the ridge. The dive was Teluk Waitti.

This is a box fish about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. His cousin the orange and black one is two times as big.

This is the full length of a banded sea snake. He is about two feet long. One night I went out to the jetty to have some water and one popped up in-between the floorboard one foot in front of me. They are highly venomous.

This is a sea turtle about a meter long. I was taking a picture of the sea snake above when I saw him in the distance over on the other side of the ridge. He was swimming into the current so I got so few pictures and I was the only one who saw him.

This is a two tone dart fish. His head is pointing towards the bottom right corner. He's light blue and skinny in the front and dark blue with really wide fins in the back. He's about 6 inches long and looks like a feather dart that you would through at the dart board.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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